Welcome to the Learning Commons
At Windsong Heights, our focus is on providing current and accurate resources to students, staff, and parents. Every class has a weekly Learning Commons block where they can visit, browse and borrow books for their reading pleasure.
Library Loan Information
The number of books and length of loan varies by grade level:
Kindergarten - 1 book for 1 week.
Grade 1 - 1 book for 3 weeks.
Grade 2 - 2 books for 3 weeks.
Grade 3 to Grade 8 - 3 books for 3 weeks plus 1 novel study.
Please note: the week before any of our book fairs, Kindergarten and Grade 1 students are allowed to take 2 books and Grade 2 students may take up to 3 books.
Automatic Due or Overdue notices
Our circulation system automatically sends due or overdue notices 1 week ahead of a book being due. Please do not respond to these messages. If the book/books are still outstanding at the end of the year a paper notice and an email from your child's teacher will be issued.